Veteran Benefits

The Military and Veteran Student Services team works as the liaison between Florida Tech, our students, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Each semester, we will access your class schedule and Curriculum, Advising, and Program Planning (CAPP) Report to verify that coursework applies to your degree program. Only courses that apply to the degree program will be certified by the VA. The VA will determine education benefits and entitlement.

Veterans and benefit-eligible dependents are encouraged to apply for Federal Student Aid and may be eligible for institutional aid in addition to their VA benefits. We recommend that all students complete a FAFSA application each year, regardless of their VA status, so they may review the aid options available to them. VA benefit eligibility does not impact Federal Aid Eligibility.

Florida Tech does not require eligible students to use their Post-9/11 GI Bill® and/or Yellow Ribbon benefits. VA benefits are only utilized at the student's request.

Florida Tech’s Flight Programs are not eligible for use of VA education benefits.

To apply for benefits, visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' How to Apply webpage.

How to Apply for the GI Bill® and Related Benefits

You may also check your entitlement status through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs eBenefits website or by calling the VA Educations Benefits helpline.

Check Your Entitlement Status

VA Education Benefits Helpline: 1-888-442-4551

GI Bill® Chapters

Yellow Ribbon is a voluntary agreement between the university and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) designed to assist tuition funding. Florida Tech has chosen to participate in this program and award certain Yellow Ribbon funds to students in selected undergraduate and graduate programs. The Yellow Ribbon Program agreement allows Florida Tech to determine the tuition and fees to contribute, and VA will match that amount.

Learn more about the VA's Yellow Ribbon Program

Students eligible for Chapter 33 benefits at the 100% level, with remaining entitlement, may qualify for Yellow Ribbon funding. Contact for more information.

Note the Yellow Ribbon Program coincides with your entitlement, and no additional application is required. Payments exhaust the same date as your entitlement.

How to use your benefits

Student Responsibilities

Veteran students at Florida Tech have ongoing responsibilities to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA and the Military and Veteran Student Services office closely monitor each veteran student's enrollment status. The student's entitlement is based upon the number of credit hours for which a student is enrolled.

Expectations and Responsibilities of the student:

  • Submit Department of Veterans Affairs benefit documentation, including Certificate of Eligibility, to the Military and Veteran Student Services office.
  • Have all official transcripts sent to Florida Tech to be considered for prior credit.
  • Notify Military and Veteran Student Services of any changes to course enrollment or degree program. Debts resulting from the reduction or termination of registration are the student's responsibility. 
  • Be aware that only courses that apply to the degree program will be certified.  Repeated courses will only be certified if a satisfactory grade has not previously been earned.
  • Check your student billing statement. Students are financially responsible for any tuition or fees not paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Parking fees, meals, and housing are not billable fees that must be covered by the student.
  • Keep track of remaining entitlement, anticipate when benefits will exhaust, and plan accordingly. We recommend all students create an account with eBenefits.
  • Verify monthly enrollment with the Department of Veterans Affairs if receiving Chapter 30, Chapter 33, or Chapter 1606 benefits. Enrollment verification can be completed each month by the Department of Veterans Affairs toll-free number 877-823-2378 or the WAVE feature on the Department of Veterans Affairs website.
  • Contact Military and Veteran Student Services with any questions or concerns related to enrollment certification.